So here we go, it's Friday!!
Favorite books/authors:
K. C. May. I'm currently reading the first book in her fantasy series called "The Kinshield Legacy". She has quickly become a new favorite of mine in the fantasy world. She's kickin' it Old School, baby. THAT is what I like. I mean seriously, check this out:
"The Kinshield Legacy is a rousing good fantasy tale, with nice characterization and some ferocious action. These days I read primarily for business rather than pleasure, but I found myself eager to return to this novel." ~ Piers Anthony, Author of the Xanth novels
Yeah, baby. Woot! I'm certainly going to be purchasing more of her books. K. C. May rocks.
Favorite movies:
Lord of the Rings. Don't know if I have ever stated this before, but I am now. Why is this trilogy of movies one of my favorites? Well, I have to go back a bit. I tried reading "The Hobbit" when I was like... 12. Could NOT get into it for whatever reason and gave up reading any of Tolkien's stuff. So fast forward about 20 years and you have me role-playing online and writing fantasy. I got into a conversation with some friends about fantasy and one of them had named his character Treebeard and another was Elendil. Someone commented on nice LotR references. I said, "What?" and got slammed with comment after comment of "How could you claim to write fantasy or even LOVE fantasy and NOT READ TOLKIEN!!!??" Insert shame. Fast forward to like a year later and me getting a critique on some of my earlier writings. I was told I have a "Tolkien-esque" writing style. I sat there and said, "Oh, ok. Thanks."
That was about the time the first movie was going to come out so I said, fine. Whatever. I'll go see what all the fuss is about.
I got hooked. I cried at the delayed reaction to the compliment I got. I went home and the next day got EVERY BOOK from the Hobbit to Return of the King. I read every single one before the next movie came out. I am not just a fan now, but a practical EXPERT on these books. lol!
Favorite music:
Concrete Blonde. Love their music. Used to listen to them a lot when I was younger and now have my kids hooked on their music as well. Woot!
Fantasy art:
No clue where I got this, but I like it.

And the funny:

Oh do I love that castle picture!
And yeah for your son moving up there. That's fantastic!
hi !this is my first time reading your blog.just as you i love fantasy genre and infact it is my favourite genre of books.i like to get immersed through those pages into the fantasy world created by great authors and get lost in there for a you ,i'm also working on my novel,a novel of fantasy genre but it will take some time for me to finish and publish it,maybe till the end of 2012 as im at law school and need to focus on my studies as well.
i also have my own check it.its a blog about movies mostly good movies and some posts wil also deal on books.i just started it fwe weeks check it and send some feedbacks .i would really appreciate it.the link:
and i would love to know your thoughts on both the harry potter series and song of ice and fire.if you have posts about those books ,just post some links ,i would read it.thanks.btw,i am FREDDY FRANKLIN.
The LOTR trilogy is one of my favorites!
That's so cool your son is going to live there with you.
Thanks Joshua! Nice to meet you F. Franklin. :D
He's here!! I'm so excited. :D It's going to be a complete culture shock to him for a bit. But he'll get over it. ;)
Love The Lord of the Rings. The cats are cute :) Glad I found your blog.
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