Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rolling On And On...

It has come to my attention (like running into a brick wall) that I need to work at short stories. I simply cannot write a short story.

Well... I can. I HAVE.

I've been writing and working on my short story called "The Wicked One" for some time now. And I either need to set it aside until I figure out the details or I need to condense it down after it is written.

I have a thing about giving far too much information. My mom has also told me I have the gift of gab. I can see someone in the store and talk and talk and talk...


I feel the same way in my writing. I feel like I have caught up with an old friend and just keep going on and on about everything. A little more mystery would be nice. People don't need to know EVERYthing, do they? Even in writing?

I know I will get there eventually, that I will polish up this short story and things will be fine. It is the routine, the angst of writing, of starting that new story.

Oh! And I think I have figured out how to start my historical fantasy story... I can't wait!

Do you think you put too much or too little information into your writing?


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm a bare bones writer, so not enough information the first time through.
Go ahead and finish it and edit out the excess later. If you worry about it now while you're writing the first draft, it will stress you.

David Wagner said...

Once an idea hooks me, I tend to lay awake into the wee hours (when I should be sleeping) and the story evolves and expands, running in different directions. New characters appear, entire scenes play out, and then mutate or disappear altogether...

Yeah, I tend to say too, too much... The more I chew on something, the more I want the story to become. I think a short story would be extremely difficult for me. I suppose I should try to learn how to do them as well...

Nice topic.

Anonymous said...

I write tight. Low word count becomes even less when I edit. I write like I talk...which means I listen more!

The point is each of us are unique and we do it our way.

Happy writing!

Anonymous said...

I'm no good at short stories. I have a brevity problem. (You're welcome, ladies.)

Misha Gerrick said...

Definitely, although I tend to under-write. So I'm constantly having to go back to add in more detail. ^_^

Mel Chesley said...

Ha Ha Joshua! Yeah, I will have to write it out and then edit from there. :)

Jamie Gibbs said...

I'm a too much kind of guy. 'Waffler' is the best thing that describes me. No matter what I write, it's alwaus convoluted and long winded. I need to seriously tighten up my writing.

Mel Chesley said...

I hear ya, Jamie. It is a difficult thing to learn, but once you learn it you'll start seeing where you need to cut things as you write. I know I have far too much info already but I guess I just need to get it all out before editing. XD

Leigh Covington said...

LOL! I have to laugh at that. I have a friend who does that (much like myself) and when we start to ramble, we ask each other, "Is this the Readers Digest Version." LOL. Its funny. I'm sure you'll get it down. I think a short story would be HARD! I haven't done one yet.

Felicia said...

Interesting post about writing short stories. Usually short stories don't give the characters and the story plot enough time to grow which is why I stick to reading novels more. But, who knows? Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the words of encouragement.

Livin' Life Through Books

Mel Chesley said...

Thanks Felicia! Always happy to have my friends drop by. And you're most welcome. :D

Ella said...

It is a balancing act! I find the medium a hard place to be. I would say I like you, probably give too much! And yes, I have the gift of gab, too ;D

You will get there, just keep going!
I love the title!

Thanks for stopping by and your kind words!

I too, have thought about it. I need to read more short stories.
It almost seems like they are the middle of a story. A few middle chapters, without so much character development! You can do it!!! :D