
Monday, June 14, 2010

Lean On Me...

I was just leaving a comment over at Christi Goddard's place. Got my little brain thinking about the support we offer up as writers in our little community and the importance of it.

Now most people will tell you this is a super competitive business. Well... what business isn't competitive? Oh yeah, selling cow manure. Maybe. Unless the guy down the road has some cows with the best poo.... Okay, I'll just let that one go.

Yes, writing is a competitive business. Advertising is competitive, retail, you name it. But there is another aspect to writing that makes it more than just a business. It is an art. We are artists, painting scenes in your mind with our words. Brushstrokes here and there leave feathery traces of color on your memory as we speak and weave our web of intricacy.

You support other artists, you don't tear them down. You help your fellow authors along this long, rocky, arduous path. You don't spread rumors about them and how horrible they are. That if it weren't for their editor they wouldn't be able to string two sentences together after a drinking binge... Know what I mean?

We all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to other writers. We all have our own tastes in genres. We have strong opinions about what we read and what we refuse to read. We may not like some of the stuff out there, but we support the person who wrote it because they accomplished something that gave us hope. Even if it is a, "Hey if something like this can get published, they'll love my stuff...". More often than not, though, it is like, "So and so got a book deal/agent contract? Sweet! I can't wait to read it."

Yes jealously does tend to raise its ugly head in most of these moments. But we still root for people who write. We offer up our advice, our help and we encourage rather than tear down. It is important that we, as writers, continue to act like a community. Personally, I don't feel any other writer out there is better than me, per se. I just think their stuff is different from what I write. I admire and respect authors from all genres for putting their heart and souls on the line to try and publish their work. When I lose respect for them is when they begin to act like superstars and think they're better than anyone else in the field. Having a talent for writing is very important, but the readers make or break you. Just like the fans make or break musicians or movie stars.

Hope I am not rambling too awful much. Just had a little bit of a tangent and had to get it out of my system. Hope everyone had a great weekend and have a good Monday morning!


  1. And yes, you are one of my supporters that makes me keep writing. Thanks, Mel!

  2. Very well said, no one likes to "Run down" another blogger or Author and if they do it is not pleasant, If one does perhaps it could be a case of Jealousy?


  3. I hear ya. I think we all have thoughts like this sometime. Kidlit had a blog a while ago about not making comparisons and that helped me to put it all in perspective. Good Luck!

  4. It's definitely a supportive world. I love it!

  5. I couldn't have said it better myself. Cheers to all the writers out there!

  6. I will always support fellow authors. There are books out there I don't like, I state my opinion once and leave it at that. But I still support the author, even if I don't like the story.

    And Yvonne, you hit the nail on the head! The snarky writers of this little community are jealous or sometimes very insecure.

    I'm no better than Tolkien, he's no better than me. We're just different even though we share a love of the same genre. He certainly was ahead of his time though. :D

  7. Wonderful post, Mel. It's the best thing about blogging. Off the topic of writing, but my friend who's husband died a few weeks ago doesn't ever go online, and I so want to tell her that I'm sure there are some kind of blogs or forums that might offer her some kind of support. She says she doesn't go online with the kind of pride of someone who just thinks it's all kind of silly. :-(

  8. Our writing buddies/blogging buddies are the only ones who really and truly know what we as writers are going through. They understand us! I am so thankful to have them!! :)

  9. The support, encouragement, and feedback (comments) that we get for pouring our thoughts and feelings out on paper (or blogs) is so important! And you are a wonderful supportive blogger! Love ya, Mel!


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