
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ten Things In My Pocket...

I'm going to utilize the next couple of weeks by using a blog prompt...thingy... that I found. I'm sort of cheating, scheduling them and all... but the next few weeks are going to be packed with... well, packing! ::Snorts:: Yep, I'm moving the beginning of July and then will only have a couple more weeks with my mom and son after that. So while I'm off in my day to day living stuff, I still want to stay connected to you all. So here is the writing prompt and my answer. Feel free to leave me comments, I do read them and comment back if I don't drop you an email. (Most of your comments give me a "no reply" address when I try to send back a personal message. So look here for some of my responses in the comment section.) Okay, ready? Here's the prompt: If I were going to be stranded on a desert island, what 10 things would I want in my pockets? 1) My iPod. If it isn't damaged, that is. I'd listen to one song a day to conserve the battery. 2) Pictures of my family. 3) Ummm...oh! One of those emergency blankets that are folded up so small but you can never fold it back to that size again...ever. 4) String. 5) Matches. 6) Paper clips. (String for the "tent" and a fishing line and use the paper clip for the fishing hook.) 7) Gum. 8) A bandanna. Strain water through it maybe? 9) An eyepatch so I could pretend I was a pirate. Arrgh! 10) A mirror. Then I could signal ships and see how horrible I look after not having a shower for several...months. How about you?


  1. Cool list, I'll have to figure out mine... might post this on my blog in a couple days!

  2. And if you were MacGyver, you'd be able to build a large boat with all that and leave the island!

  3. Very cool B. I'll look for it!

    And no kidding Alex. A paper clip, chewing gum and a cardboard box and I could sail away. :D

  4. This is a very cute prompt. Maybe I'll borrow it someday when I haven't already written multiple posts that day! :)


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