
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

After The Fourth...

So I hope it is safe to say that the majority of you survived Fourth of July without too much of a hangover.

I remember when I was a kid, my dad had too much to drink and then complained the next morning that the "lake was too loud". I don't think he's ever going to live that one down.

I love the Fourth for many different reasons, but mostly because of our independence. Although I could get into a huge political discussion, but I promise to refrain.

In my family, we celebrated a day early due to the fact that my husband plays bass in a band and they played a wedding on the Fourth. So we had our hamburgers, hot dogs and potato salad early. Of course it wouldn't have been the Fourth if we didn't have watermelon, so I made sure that was on the menu as well. And strawberries. Yum!

Now that it is after the Fourth, back to work on my writing and all that entails. I'm looking forward to the revisions. I know, I must be sick or something! Have a great rest of the week and I will post again soon. :D


  1. I survived as well! Though i could use a few more days off from work...

  2. Someone picked a great day to get married - there will always be fireworks.

  3. Hi! First, I'd like to thank you for following my blog. I'm glad to hear that you had a great 4th of July. We spent our over-eating and swimming with the gators. lol :) Anywho- happy writing! I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  4. Glad you had an awesome day, Mel :D I go by the mantra that the only sure sign of a good celebration is if you have little to no recollection of it the following morning, hehe. And I agree, lakes can be obnoxiously loud after you've danced with the devil's firewater.

  5. @ Jen ~ I know, lol!
    @ Alex ~ Very true. I got married on Valentine's Day. It just ensures I have a good one from now on.
    @ Sarah ~ That's exactly what my husband said, lol!
    @ Jamie ~ Yes, I like very little recollection myself.

    And welcome Vanessa! Very glad to have you around. I love my followers, they quickly become my good friends. Hope to hear more from you in the future!


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