
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yes, I Am Asking Again...

You all know by now how much I love my sister-in-law, Cheri. This woman wouldn't hurt a fly!

Well, she's got a book up for Kindle on and she put in the tags, "romance". A romance reader got a hold of it and let her disappointment fly on the review. Now, this is one of the books Cheri is trying to sell to help her friend Rebecca. The one with breast cancer.

If you've read the book, go on over to Cheri's Post. All she is asking is for some better reviews. If you haven't read the book, would you do me a favor and click on "No" where it asks if this review was helpful? If the snarky review gets so many "no" answers, the review is removed.

Oh and just so you know, if you have any snarky reviews you would like removed, let me know. I'll pop on over and do the same.

I understand that everyone has their opinions, but when you put in the product description of what you are attempting to accomplish with your work for a good cause and someone rates it one star and tears it apart because they didn't get their hot, steamy sex scenes.... well that's just being a little immature and yes, stupid. We're all going to have those horrible reviews up there and if you have dozens of glowing reviews and that little one, that one where the person is practically seething through the computer screen is buried among them, well that's different. But this is the only review up there and you all know how that makes you feel.

Thanks guys! You are the best.


  1. Clicked like and and 'No' to the review being helpful. Hope it helps :)


  2. Thanks Rory, I appreciate that lots!

    And thanks to everyone else who helps. :D

  3. On the way :) one thing I can't stand is a snarky review.


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