
Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Favorites, Fantasy Art & A Funny...

That title means only one thing:


So let's check out some more of my favorites before moving on to the artwork and the funny.

Favorite Authors/Books:

Melanie Rawn. I absolutely love her Dragon Prince series. OMGah! Seriously, I can read them over and over again which is saying a lot for me because I usually do NOT read books more than once. I read hers, Eddings and Rowling's books.
However, I have to say I am super disappointed in the fact that her Exiles series has come to a dead stop. The first two books in the series came out in 1995 and 1998. The third book, The Captal's Tower is still listed as 'forthcoming' yet she has other books out.

Now mind you, I understand how difficult it is to maintain a fantasy world of your own making and to keep on the writing track of that world. But does she really expect her fans to wait 13 + years for the next book? Why even begin a series if you are not going to finish it? Yes, life hits you with hardships, illness... I understand these all to well, also. This is just my gripe.

Favorite movies:

Let's see... one of my all time favorite movies has to be Boondock Saints. I love that movie!! Every so often I might list a chick-flick here, but more often than not it will be an action/thriller movie. I can watch Boondock Saints over and over and still be highly amused by the cat scene. If you don't know what I am talking about... I won't describe it... sorry!

Favorite music:

Another one of my favorite bands is INXS. I have loved that band for a very long time. I can list dozens of other groups, but this is what my Fridays are for, right? Suicide Blonde, Devil Inside... trying to remember as many of the songs as I can but my brain doesn't want to cooperate.

On to the Fantasy Art!:

This week ~ Inga Nielsen

Ha! Funnily enough, last week's artwork (the one I couldn't remember where I got it) was also Inga Neilsen's!

Now for the Funny:

Have a super weekend!


  1. Have a good weekend and don't let basement cat get you!

  2. I really want to watch Boondock Sains. That's a pretty awesome looking picture too. Hope you have a kick ass weekend :D

  3. @Alex ~ I'll try not to let him get me... he's pretty stealthy though. ;)
    @Jamie ~ You should watch it! Go! Go rent it right now! lol
    You two have a good weekend as well!


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