
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Things You Learn...

I've been going over some things my beta readers have noted in my MS. I have a very hard time with putting everything after dialogue as "said" or "asked". I'm used to adding tidbits to show the emotion.

I still have a very bad habit of telling, not showing.

I still change PoV right in the middle of a scene.

I didn't know I only needed one space after a period rather than two. (My typing teachers are going to roll over in their graves.) What a habit I have to break!

But the good news is, the story is good. They all like it. (That's the general consensus.) And the fewer the comments as they read along, the better. It means I've sucked them into the story! Woohoo!

And Vendras has a fan. Awww.... how cute!

{From my website: Vendras (C) - This human barely escaped a plague in his homeland only to step right into another. Trained as a fighter, he offers up his services to the one with the most coin. He befriends Farrehn as they both travel to Moordigan, then from there decide to offer up their skills to the Paridzule army.}

Well... back to work!


  1. Glad you found some great critique partners who could help you!

  2. I need all the help I can get. And thanks to you for helping spread the word I needed critique and beta readers. :D

  3. I heard that one space thing after a period a couple years ago but I can't get my fingers to convert. I'll just do a search for spacespace at the end and whack one of them.

  4. I hear you! Beta readers bring your weakness to a glaring attention, and it's like "Did I really do that?" Oh well, beauty is pain I guess, or something like that.

  5. @Jen ~ I'm loving all my faults and issues coming out into the bright light... oddly enough.
    Okay, let me clarify... my WRITING issues and faults. lol!
    I know what I mean, but having someone else understand it is more important.
    @Vicki ~ Yeah, I just hit the whole MS with that...still, trying to break the habit. Ha! Not working so far especially in this response. :D

  6. Sounds like you've picked some good folks to offer feedback :D I'm glad they think the story is kickass :D

  7. "They like it" is huge!

    On the 'said' thing--you can ALSO instead give them a corresponding action that shows what they're doing instead. I was really annoyed with said instead of 'retorted' or 'sniped' or whatever, but if you grow those a little into an action rather than just a more descriptive version of 'said' you get to 'show'...

    And on single space--I publish scientifically which still requires it, so when I finish an MS, I do find and replace, replacing all my doubles with singles. Just easier than having two different ways I write.

  8. @Hart ~ I KNOW! I am working on the 'said' thing and doing just that. The single space thing is much easier with the find and replace. I love that. I'm just old school, I suppose. I don't mind change, but I do gripe about it a lot. XD


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