
Friday, September 23, 2011

Foregoing The Usual Friday...

Wow! Can I just say I feel the love. Bloggy love! I needed some of that right now.

If you have not already seen it, my Query was posted up at Matthew's place. The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment (say that five times fast!). You can see it using the link. He is posting up the critique of it today.

I'm trying not to chew my nails.

Okay! So let's just get off that subject for a moment. I wanted to look back at the long, rough, winding road this poor story has taken. You all saw my post on my personal horror story. If not, you can see it here. Don't let the title fool you.

Now here I am, polishing it up, using Beta Readers ( I LOVE YOU GUYS by the way...), writing a query (gasp!) and a long synopsis (double gasp!). These are things that at one point, I didn't think I would ever be doing. I never thought I would have a blog, meet such cool, supportive people or even be asking my awesome artist buddy to do me up some artwork for this tale.

But I also have to give credit to my characters. Boy... does that sound weird. But seriously, their voices clamored in my head until I gave in and rewrote the story and didn't give it up. Do you know what its like to wake up at 3 a.m. to a whiny assassin? She usually isn't whiny. That's what woke me up.

I can't thank the people I dragged into all of this enough. The Betas, the friends and family and yes, even you blogger buddies of mine. All of you authors and writers and reviewers and critique-rs.... All of the advice, support and patience in dealing with the questions of "How do I get there?".

For every single blog I follow I have garnered some shiny tidbit of advice that I have utilized. I may not have commented or said thank you, but I did try to let you know that I listened. So thanks! Thanks to you all.

Now to just get published. Ha!


  1. I hope the query advice works out for you.

    I agree with your last statement, heartily.

  2. New follower here. I just had to answer this though:
    "Do you know what its like to wake up at 3 a.m. to a whiny assassin? ", I don't. I'm hoping I find out what she was whining about when you get your book published :-)

  3. You've come a long way, baby! Saw you were getting lots of comments on Matthew's site.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing your query with us! It really sounds like an awesome story, and I hope between me and my readers we can help you get that query polished.

  5. Lol Angela. :D

    Matthew, thanks so much. Nervous as I was, I knew it had to be done.

  6. I've read Matthew's critique of your query. All great advice. Good luck rewriting it, your story sounds intriguing!

  7. I left some feedback and hope that some of it is useful. Best of luck to you in writing a query. It's really hard stuff.

  8. Thanks J. C. and Michael! I appreciate the support!


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