
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

We Interupt Your Daily Musings...

So, I sort of have to get this all off my chest before I explode.

Sometimes, Facebook really should not ask what is "On my mind?". First, let me rant a bit about Facebook and the changes. Even the media has articles out about the overnight changes and how much people are hating it. Personally I feel as if I am being forced back to MySpace and the high school angst it provided just to keep things simple.

Really, Facebook? Did you have to go and change YET again? Go find something to do, go outside and play. Read a book... do SOMETHING!


My rant prior to that had been about this generation of kids and how all they know how to do is get what they want and consume resources like mad without a thought to their consequences. However, if the children are this way, most of the parents are to blame.

Generation "I Deserve!" has parents that "Give You What You Want So You'll Leave Me Alone, OMG Why Did I Have Children?!" or the also popular, "Give You What You Want Because God Forbid I End Up Like My Parents!".

My facebook status simply stated: To all children of the I Deserve generation... all you really deserve is a good, swift kick in the rear.

Stop begging and pleading for what you want and do what everyone before you ever existed did. Work for it. EARN it. Become a contributing member of society, not a pain the... yeah.

If you are not old enough to work, do your chores, do your homework and basically behave. THAT is your job. Don't call up your mother at work and practically scream into the phone about how your cell phone bill hasn't gotten paid yet.


  1. What you said!
    Glad I'm not on Facebook...

  2. Lol! Well, I use Facebook to network and keep up with family and friends. May have to toss it aside and find a different avenue. :D

  3. I was completely confused when I logged in there this morning - It's a Dog's breakfast!

    And I particularly hated the fact they had 'automatically' placed my e-mail address in the 'Search for friends' box, meaning if I inafvertently hit 'enter' then it would have headed off to my e-mail box (Though I suppose I would still need to enter my password and so would be aware of what it was doing). It all just totally sucks!


  4. *inadvertently - not what I said above lol.

    Sorry - I'm anally retentive about spelling.


  5. No worries! I can be the same way. :D And yes, completely sucks!

  6. Seriously. Facebook screwed it all up again, in a failed response to Google +.

  7. i can't stand the changes to FB. This was the first time where i honestly thought about leaving it all together, but i don't want to lose all my friends and junk. I'm just super pissed about it.
    And, ugh, my little sister is in the "i deserve" generation and it's horrible. She still has screaming fights with my parents and the rest of us, even though she's in her twenties.

  8. Generation "I Deserve". That is pretty on point.

    Came by to follow after checking out Matt McNish's blog. Glad I did. An entertaining post.

    I haven't plagued myself with Facebook in the last few days. I suppose I better prepare myself for the trauma to come.

  9. Ha! Good points. Nice to meet you Mel! I came over from Matt's blog ...

  10. @ Sarah~ Augh! I'm so sorry you have a sister like that. I know 12 year olds like that... And I don't really want to drop FB either. Grrr.

    @ Angela and Ali~ Nice to meet you as well!

    Now, while the changes are not THAT bad and they have a goal in mind. I do have to admit I would prefer one huge change rather than several changes where you keep getting used to the newer ones over and over again. >:( Darn Facebook!

  11. I love your post. I so feel the way you do. Entitlements are out of control. Thank you for posting quickened my blood just a little knowing there was a mirror soul out there in the big blue.

  12. Hi there Michael and thanks for dropping by! We are but the few, the proud, we are NOT the Marines, but I sure did raise my kids like a Drill Sergeant! Every time I bear witness to a child screaming at their parents, I wanna just step in. ::Sighs:: Oh well. Other than going door to door with parental advice, not much I can do.


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