
Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Favorites, Fantasy Art & A Funny...

Wow. It's September already! And I totally spaced the IWSG post. Doh! But I did post about my interview over at the Hellfire Herald.

Can I just say you guys rock! All the support I have, it's overwhelming at times and just makes me feel good. I had over 200 views in one day! That was freakin' awesome!! Thanks to all of you who dropped by.

Okay so on with the Friday fun.

Favorite Books/Authors:

I have to say, even though it has been awhile since I've read the book, I am going with Spellsinger by Alan Dean Foster. That was a good book! The whole series was good, but that first book was my favorite.

Favorite Movies:

I'm going with the Lethal Weapon series this time around. I used to like Mel Gibson. Especially in Braveheart and The Patriot. Lately it seems things are getting to him and he's not the same person he used to be. Mind you, we all change and grow, but sometimes we go in the opposite direction. Doesn't matter, I still love these movies!

Favorite Music:

Here's one for you. Squirrel Nut Zippers. If you like the Brian Setzer Orchestra or Cherry Poppin' Daddies, you'll like the Squirrel Nut Zippers. Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it!

Fantasy Art:

This was something shared on Facebook. Don't know about the whole copyright infringement on that end, but hey, we'll see.

And now for the funny!

Bahaha! Leave it to Snape to state the obvious. Lol! Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. Mel may have gone off the deep end in his personal life but his movies are still great.

  2. Hi there! I found ya at IWSG from Alex's blog, and I want to say congrats on getting published! That's so awesome!

    Halloween is also my fave holiday...well, I have to be honest and say I love Christmas a whole lot, too. I'm a mom of two, and it makes Christmas fun again like when I was a kid. But it's also so much fun helping them get dressed up and going out trick-or-treating. Love it! :D Good to meet you. :)

  3. Nice to meet you too, Jennifer! And thanks!
    I agree, Halloween and Christmas are my two faves. When my kids were little, I loved dressing them up. :D

  4. Lol that cracked me up!

    I love Halloween, but Christmas is my favorite.

  5. The Lethal Weapon series is great. I recently played a Lethal Weapon 4 drinking game with some friends. Take a drink whenever a character swears. Whenever Chris Rock and Joe Pesci were on screen together the drinks went pretty quickly!

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom


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