
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Living When...

I tapped into my stash of blog topics to get as many posts up as possible these days while I am working on my edits for my soon-to-be-released book! Adversarius, Shadow of the Rose: Book One is coming very, very soon. As of this moment, the first round of edits has been completed and waiting for round two.

But that isn't the topic of this post.

The topic I have at hand is this:

If you could live in a different time period, when would it be?

I'm sure you all know by now, I would pick the Middle Ages. Renaissance era. I'm a history buff. I love learning about the past of our world. Sometimes, I know more about other countries than I do my own. Sad, I know.

But why would I pick that era? Is it because of the plague? Pssh! No. Thanks, but ... no. The romance of the knight in shining armour? Hahahaha! Nope.

I don't know. I sometimes feel I was born into the wrong century, but that doesn't really explain it either. I'd like to say I would love to live in a simpler era, but it wasn't that simple. Struggling to make a meager living out of whatever land you owned or were allowed to live on. That is if you were a peasant. I'd make a good merchant, but I would not make a good Noblewoman. I know I could keep up with the gossip and chatter of Court, but how tiring would that be?

I suppose the draw to that era is: There was still so much to discover and learn about our world. There's lots to learn now, yes. But you either hop a plane or surf the web and you can find whatever it is you need. That's kind of cheating, if you ask me.

So how about you? What era would you choose? Why?


  1. I think I'm happy with this one. I like my creature comforts.

  2. I agree with Alex, I couldn't be happier to live at any other time than right now. I love today's world!

  3. I like my creature comforts too, but the lure of being on the verge of discovering something is just too great!
    And I totally missed the ISWG post!!! I'm horrible...

  4. I like this current time, but I'd like an alternate timeline where I can have a sword at my hip.

  5. I'd pick living as a wealthy patron of the arts during the late 1800s in Paris. Montmartre in its prime?

  6. I'd like to say Celtic Britain - simpler times without all the interference of modern society, but they were also being invaded by almost everyone, so maybe not.

    The era of the Enlightenment would be pretty sweet; when knowledge was valued above all else.


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