
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We Interrupt This Blog...

Hey everyone!

I am postponing my World Building posts today to give you the link over to the Hellfire Herald. This is the blog for Hellfire Publishing and today, they are interviewing...



So here is the link for you all. Drop by, please and comment. Here or there or both. I'd love it! 

First round of edits is done. Second is in the works. Soon I will have a release date and we'll be movin' on! I'm so super excited.

I've also decided, for the moment, to keep my website. I've updated it a bit to reflect what's been going on. I'm trying to work out some issues I am having with Blogger. I'd like to use Blogger as my website as well, but just getting a bit irritated with it. I suppose I just need to take an entire day and work with it. We'll see what I can do.

Alright, hope you are all having a good week! Don't forget to drop by and see my interview!


I want to hear what you have to say! And if you're a new follower, please leave your link in the comments so I can follow you back. Thanks!