
Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday Favorites, Fantasy Art & A Funny...

It's Friday! And not just any Friday, my friends. The Friday before April 1st!

That's right, April 1st will be upon us before we know it and then we're off like a shot to do the April A-Z Blog Challenge.

I've participated before. It was very fun! I even managed to post a favorite movie and a musical group that coincided with the letter du jour. I think that is where I got the idea to do these Friday Favorite posts.

Now that I have wound my way through all my favorite books, movies and music groups, I find I need new favorites. So now I post some 'new to me' favorite authors I stumble upon.

However, today's favorite is going to be food: My old favorite food used to be pizza, but now it is a yummy salad with lots of greens and other veggies. I've started juicing at the beginning of the year and Hubby and I have lost some decent weight. We even got a juicer for our anniversary! Sadly, it's that time of year where work is slow and it's cold outside so we have to choose between fresh veggies to juice or heat. I pick heat.

Reason #532 why I can't wait to move to Washington.

Okay, so enough about that, let's get on with the rest of this post! Here is your Fantasy Art for the week:

This is called "Flight Path" by Daren Horley:

And the funnies:

There, I gave you three for missing last week. Have a good weekend!


  1. Great funnies today!
    And my favorite food is still pizza.

  2. I have to admit, Alex, I still love pizza. But the more I juice and eat veggies, the worse processed food tastes.

  3. Sounds like you need to find a place that makes pizza with fresh ingredients.

  4. Hey Mel,

    I sometimes have pizza. Well, that's when my son doesn't eat it all :) Still your healthy eating choices are much better and conducive to your overall well being.

    Thanks for the funnies. Wishing you well with the A to Z. I don't participate, but I do satirical alternatives that actually promote the darned thing! :)

    Have a peaceful, positive long weekend, my friend.



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