
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Looking Forward To April...

My mind has been buzzing with stories lately. So much so, that I am dreaming them half the time. I have lots of ideas and very little time. I'm thinking I will be writing up a couple of short stories, to sort of get the thoughts flowing, the ideas out there and then go back to other stuff.

Again, I have lots and lots to do. And I'm gearing up for the A-Z Blog Challenge! I'll be posting and hope to get around to everyone else who is a part of it.

My theme for the challenge is going to be "World Building From A-Z". It'll be interesting to see if I can pull it off. Wish me luck!

I can't wait to see what you all will post about.

So tell me, do you have a theme or you just going to wing it? What is your theme if you have one? Have you done the A-Z blog challenge before or are you new?

Have a great rest of the week! I'll see you Friday with some funnies.


  1. Your theme will help a lot of writers!

  2. @ Book Cupid ~ I know, I'm excited!

    @ Alex ~ I hope so, I think it will be fun. :D

  3. I'll be taking some notes from your world building pressure, or anything :)

  4. I've never done the A to Z before, even though I have been around the Bloggersphere forever.

    My posts are lining up, ready to go. Theme: Harry Potter!

    Looking forward to reading yours, Mel.

  5. Hello Mel,

    My human and my good self do wish you a lot of fun with the alphabet challenge. Your theme does entice and we shall check out how it's going for you.

    Now then, something beginning with the letter "Z".

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  6. Love the theme!

    My A-Z this year won't have a theme; I've a backlog of reviews to get done so I'm hoping to include some of those in there too ...

    ... saying that, there is one idea that I might run with - it might just mean double posting on one or two days.



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