I've noticed an increase in followers lately and I have to give credit to those wonderful people over at Book Blogs.
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I'm truly loving it over there. Plus, I've changed the look of my blog. Granted, I went for a patterned background, but I just have to have a splash of fun color in my blog. I also want it to be easy to read and white or light gray on a dark background... I wasn't loving it. So tell me what you think of it.
Okay, now on to my Friday post. I've decided to post books I have read or want to read. I would also love, LOVE to have suggestions from you. I also know a lot of you are writers and have published, so I would love to read your book(s) as well. I'll gladly read your books and post my thoughts on them here.
What I have read: The entire Harry Potter series, by J. K. Rowling. I started the first one and just could not stop there, I had to read them all! I am a kid at heart after all.

The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, by J. R. R. Tolkien. Now, being a fantasy writer, you all expected that, right? Well guess what. I did not read ANY of these books until AFTER the first movie came out. That's right, you heard me correctly. I tried to read The Hobbit when I was a teen and just could not get into it. I've even had my work reviewed on Writing.com and was told I have a Tolkien-esque style. I never realized the full compliment until I read his work. Now I devour anything he's written.

I am currently reading The Saxon Shore by Jack Whyte. So far, I love it. I'll give you more details when I finish it.

Okay so give me some suggestions as to what I should read next! I'm eager to hear what you have for me. Have a great weekend everyone!
It's bright! And you are almost at 100 followers.
I could suggest my own, but that would be crass. Read any Preston & Child? Like thriller/horror stories?
Or Terry Brooks - great fantasy writer.
It is bright... lol and yes! Almost at 100! Woot!
Suggest your own, I don't care, crass or not. ;)
I love thriller/horror, mystery, fantasy. Not too hip on romance and will read sci-fi if it is good. ;)
I will have to check into Preston & Child. Thanks Alex!
Love the background! Found you on bookblogs.
You could try The City and The City by China MiƩville. I think it's fantasy, but lots of people think it is science fiction. *shrugs*
The Winds of Khalakovo by Bradley P. Beaulieu is good fantasy, too, pretty traditional.
And if you haven't already read him, Patrick Rothfuss is an excellent writer.
Wow, thanks Sonia! Those are all excellent suggestions. I will check them out for sure. :D Cheers!
Loving the new look :D
I'd recommend Among Thieves by Douglas Hulick - an amazing debut novel :D
Ooh debut novel! Yet another good suggestion. ::Pens a note:: I'm going to have to write all these down. :D Thanks Jamie! And glad you like the new look.
Have you read His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman? It you love Potter and LotR, you will adore that.
Thanks Donna! I will look for that as well and give it a try. Sounds intriguing. XD
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