I saw it! I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides. WOO!!!
If you don't know by now, I am a pirate at heart. I play a pirate in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism). Captain Sorcha MacGregor of the Blue Drake is my full title/name.
So what did I think of the fourth movie in the series?
Now, I am not just saying this because Captain Jack Sparrow makes me swoon. He bein' a pirate after me own heart an' all...
Seriously, this was a GOOD movie. Pay the money to see it or wait, makes no difference to me. The action scenes were awesome and well choreographed as usual. The costumes were cool. Can I just say I want Black Beard's ship as my future home? You got to see some familiar faces in different and unexpected places as well as a few new ones. They all added to the special blend of pirates and worked it's spell as usual. If you are not one to stay for the credits, you must. It is a pirate tradition after all.
And for the record, if any of you ever need some help writing some ship navigation or commands... by all means, come see me. I kin shiver the timbers wit' the best o' them! Or keelhaul the bilge rats an' make 'em dance a jig. Have a good weekend and remember, dead men tell no tales...

I thought it was fun! It had a couple issues and was a little slow in parts in the beginning, but the second half really ramped up the action. Worth the price of admission.
Okay, that settles it. I'm going to see the movie, even if I have to see it alone. I refuse to let my whiny friends and boyfriend talk me out of it just because they hate sequels on principle.
Alex, I agree, but you are right... so worth the price of admission.
Stephanie! Go see it and judge for yourself. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. ;)
This is on my to watch list, thought I better see it soon otherwise X Men First Class may distract me too much, hehe.
Speaking of pirates, here's some Pirate Metal that came out this week:
Ooh I can't wait to see the new X Men as well! But yes, see Pirates before X Men. ;) Thanks for the video that was cool. lol!
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