It's Monday! Woot! Yeah, no, I am really not that happy it is Monday. But I am happy about several other things.
First, I think I finally got a handle on my query letter. We'll see if it works. Second, I'm now working on my synopsis. On that note, does anyone out there have any links for writing the long synopsis? I've been trying to research this and all I get are links for help on writing the synopsis. Go figure.
My son is here! I brought him to school today. Woohoo!
And on top of all of this... I'M MOVING!!!! Hooray! I've spent nearly three years with bad or rancid water in one way shape or form. Moving back towards town, we'll be back on city water. One place had a well, but out where we were it is hit or miss because of mining that had been done. The water had bacterial iron or something to that effect. We filtered it, we could bathe, wash clothes and dishes but we could not drink it. So we trucked in water. When we moved, we had a cistern. It was fine for awhile, then one of the seals broke and dirt got into the water system. So again, we had to bring home drinking water. Gah!
That is why I am so happy to be moving. At least we will be closer to town again this winter.
My new job is going well. I'm finally getting the hang of things and not making so many mistakes. I'm just sad that all of this going on will be taking away from my blogging, but I will do my best to maintain it. I am going to make sure I have a few posts done and scheduled, ready for you all. I will also keep you all posted on my writing/submission process. Totally excited. Moreso than I should be, I suppose. But who cares! Lol!
Hope you all have a great Monday and a good week.
Sounds like you're having an awesome start to the week, Mel :D Care to share some of that good monday feeling around? :)
Let's hear it for clean water! And sorry, no idea on links to writing long a synopsis.
I'm so glad we have good water in our well. I can't drink the town water with its chemical taste.
Good job on your query.
@ Jamie ~ Always! I love sharing the good vibes. ;) ::Tosses some sparkly Monday Bliss at Jamie::
@ Alex ~That's cool, thanks and woohoo to clean water!
@ Susan ~ I can't stand that chemical taste either. I still use my Brita pitcher to eliminate that.
Yay to getting clean water! The query is big news too, but you can't drink queries. LOL
Oh and is it just me or does the couch in the picture look like a tongue? Ironically, I often feel like Monday licks me....
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