Larry and I are planning our garden, deciding what is going to go where. The place we rent has a huge greenhouse out back and we were told we could use it. Previous tenants/owners have just let it go, so it will be some work to get it fixed up. My son can't wait, he loves gardening.
Awhile back, I got a comment on one of my last posts from Yadin Bromberg, indicating I had been given an award for my blog. Woot! It's been awhile, then again sometimes I don't deserve awards. I don't post as often as I used to. So thank you, Yadin! I appreciate the award!

Like any other award, they come with instructions. So here we go:
~ Thank the person that gave you the award and link back to their blog. (Check!)
~ Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you've recently discovered or follow regularly.
~ Nominate those 15 bloggers for the award and leave them a comment letting them know they have received an award.
~ Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
Again, thank you Yadin! You can see Yadin's blog by using the link above. Next, I'll link you to the 15 blogs I have chosen.
1 ~ Joshua at Vive le Nerd.
2 ~ Vanessa at The Writer's Block.
3 ~ Rory at The Scottish Scribbler.
4 ~ Elana at YA Author Elana Johnson.
5 ~ Candyland at Misadventures in Candyland.
6 ~ Vanessa at Bornean Bookworm.
7 ~ Rusty at Blutonian Death Egg.
8 ~ Sarah at The Aspiring Sub-Creator.
9 ~ Lyn at Outer Realm Horror.
10 ~ Robin at Multi-Genre Author, Robin Renee Ray.
11 ~ Savannah at Hugs and Nightmares from Savannah Rayne.
12 ~ Ladystorm at Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My!
13 ~ Allison at Geek Banter.
14 ~ Julie at Silver Lining.
15 ~ K. C. May at K. C. May.
Phew! So many of you to choose from and I wanted to make sure I didn't duplicate any on Yadin's blog.
Now for the 7 things about me...
1 - I love movies, books, gaming and all sorts of music. Gaming is a big thing for me because it takes my mind off of stresses in the real, every day world. I'm a geek, I'm imaginative and that's how I roll.
2 - When I write, it has to be quiet and I will pop on my headphones and play music from movie soundtracks for inspiration.
3 - Every so often I enjoy watching "Pride and Prejudice". That was a deep, dark secret, but now I've shared it with you....
4 - Family is super important to me. Dinner time at my house usually last a couple of hours. We spend the meal asking, "What was your favorite part of the day" (Thanks Michelle! <3) and conversations are on a myriad of topics. I can never predict what we'll discuss. But by the time we're done, it's usually 8, almost 9 o'clock!
5 - As much as I love Alaska, it drives me insane, too! The snow gets to me and I have to keep myself occupied on lots of different levels.
6 - I have several coloring posters I am working on. I color them with markers as I haven't had any good colored pencils in a very long time. I finished one poster several years ago that I had been working on since I was 19. There was that much detail in it!
7 - I have been to Clown School. No joke! I was in 4-H as a kid and we got to go through Clown School when I was a clown. It came in handy several years later when I would dress as the clown for Kid's Night at Pizza Hut and make balloon animals, apples, bees and hats!
Now, before this post gets too long, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has stuck around these past few months. Those of you who have waited patiently for a post, who have supported my ramblings and nonsense and who have commented repeatedly when I needed a confidence boost. This award is for all of you. If you follow this blog and have done so even though I am erratic at best with my posts, take this award please. You deserve it!

Hope you all have a great weekend and good luck to all of you A-Z Challengers! I'll be lurking. ;)
Clown school? Now that's a first! And gamer chicks are always so cool.
I guess the greenhouse keeps things warm enough to grow? Isn't it still cold there?
Yep! Clown school. :D And I hate it when people say in world chat, "Girls don't play WoW". I can't argue, because how will I prove I'm a chick? Well.... other than obvious ways...
In the summer we get up to 70 degrees sometimes, but the greenhouses stay warm with all that sunlight. With the sun shining in our windows almost all day long, we will hit indoor temps of 80 degrees. So yeah, all that sunlight helps the veggies grow huge!!
I game, but I'm not really a "gamer". I used to play WoW, but now I play LOTRO. I don't think I could play any type of game other than an MMO though.
And thanks very much for passing on the award. I'm honored.
Hurray for gamer geeks! I also watch Pride and Prejudice and enjoy it... and though I am a geek, I AM also a girl, and do girly things occasionally after all. :P Thanks so much for passing the award on to me! I have already received this one several times, but it is nice to be appreciated.
Allison (Geek Banter)
Power to the gamer girls!! Woot! ;) And you are both very welcome. :D
I love gardening too. Best of luck to you as you prepare your greenhouse. And thanks for the award! I'm lurking during the A-Z challenge too.
Thank you so much for the award, Caledonia! I also love to garden and more so when the grands help me doing the gathering..LOL
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