Welcome to Alex J. Cavanaugh's Worst Movies Ever! Blogfest. First, if you don't know who Alex is, get your tail over to his blog and check him out. Because, seriously...
Now, today is also International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Arrgh! So ye filthy bilge rats best be payin' attention or I'll be throwin' yer barnacled carcass into the brig!
Now that I got that out of my system, I can begin! So I just want to say this first: This is just my opinion!! Don't get butt hurt if I list a movie here that you absolutely adore. These are just movies that, IN MY OPINION.... suck. Lol!
So in no particular order, here we go (and some of them I just won't comment on...):
1) Prince of Space
2) Highlander 2: The Quickening. (All I can say is... really? They should have just stopped with the first movie. Granted I like the show... but yeah...)
3) Highlander: The Source (Please read above comment.)
4) Howard the Duck. (Yeah, I will catch hell for this...)
5) Green Slime
6) Warlock (Liked it when I was what...12?)
7) The Car (Satan has awesome wheels... XD )
8) Earth Girls Are Easy
9) Frozen (Stranded on a ski lift... well duh! But wolves?????....??)
10) What Dreams May Come
Again, this is just my opinion. Some of them I didn't comment on much because it's been ages since I even saw them. Part way through I might mention...
Frozen was horrible, but like a bad traffic accident I couldn't turn away, so my daughter and I made it into our own "Mystery Science Theater 2000"! That part was fun.
The Car was scary when I was a kid, then later just made me go "I liked that???"
Never even got far into movies like Howard the Duck or Earth Girls Are Easy... I watched What Dreams May Come just to see if it might get better. It didn't. Hence why it's on the list!
So what do you think were the worst movies ever? I'll be hopping over to find out!
I'm seeing Highlander on quite a few lsits. Very happy I haven't watched it since it seems to be everyone's favorite movie to hate lol
I think ole howard is showing up a lot of places.
Caledonia, I agree with you about them all, except for Frozen. I freakin' loved it. It was tense, original and quite believable.
I almost want to see Howard the Duck because everyone says its so bad!
Frozen was pretty good in my book and my wife really liked it, which says a lot for me.
I bought a copy of What Dreams May Come because it was really cheap but haven't yet opened it to watch it. I saw it in the theater and it left me pretty unimpressed, but there was something about the concept and the effects that intrigued me. When I watch it again (if I ever do), I'll have more of an opinion.
Tossing It Out
Agree with you on the ones I've seen! Highlander II is quite popular today. You should watch MST3K's version of Prince of Space. It's one of my favorites.
Thanks for participating in the blogfest, Las!
Ha-ha. Totally agree about Warlock.
Liked your list.
Highlander 2 is making it onto a lot of lists. :P
Haha! Well I knew a couple of people out there would like "Frozen" and I don't blame you. Like I said, just my opinion, but I felt like the kids were being pretty stupid and if they hadn't tried to do one last nighttime run, they'd all be alive. Meh. Just me.
What Dreams May Come, Arlee, I liked it to an extent too, but it just lacked... a lot. The imagery was fantastic, the story just seemed a little weak to me and it stretched out so long.
Alex, I'll have to check out that version and I'm enjoying your Blogfests. :D
I'm off to read the other lists, maybe I will count how many times I see Highlander and Howard. lol!
Highlander 2 is on quite a few lists, glad I have never seen it
Yes, Highlander 2 was pretty awful. I don't think even the writers knew what they were doing with it. Like someone else said, there should have been only one.
Good list of bad movies!
Highlander 2 was a popular one. It was bad, but not enough to make my list. Very, very close though!
I considered Howard the Duck for my list as well.
What Dreams May Come just didn't deliver. It was kind of a bummer.
Howard the Duck has definitely earned some flack from people for not being all that endearing. It makes me want to avoid this movie at all costs.
Highlander 2 was a mistake. They even just plain ignored that it ever happened when they made the 3rd one. I do like the first one though, in a sexy 80's way.
Earth Girls are Easy -- man. Totally a bad movie. Jeff Goldblum is unexpectedly attractive in it though.
Nice to meet you as well! My Shammy is 3 bars from 85. Then I'll ignore her and lvl my mage. lol
I haven't seen any of these, but my friend Andy was so disappointed by Earth Girls Are Easy that he made me promise I wouldn't watch it and sully my impression of Jeff Goldblum...
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